Gateway known manufacturer of laptops, has announced the launch of its new laptop namely Gateway NV57H50U. The laptop comes with a NV57H50U 15.6 inch LED-backlit widescreen LCD high-definition using Intel HD 3000 graphics card, more Ultrabright technology. This laptop also works with Intel Celeron chips B800, 2 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM (expandable to 8 GB), 320 GB SATA hard drive, a DVD ± RW / CD-RW with Double Layer support, the HDMI output and multi-card reader. Gateway NV57H50U laptop running on Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS. It has 6 cell lithium-ion battery provides about 4 hours of operating time. The details concerning the device specifications are discussed below.
Gateway 15.6-inch laptop NV57H50U Specifications:
- Processor: Intel Celeron B800 (2M Cache, 1.50 GHz)
- Main Memory: 2GB expandable to 8 GB DDR3 memory
- Hard Drive: 320 GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400 rpm)
- Graphic system: Intel HD 3000 Graphics
- Display: 15.6 "LED-backlit LCD high-definition widescreen display
- Webcam: 1.3 MP high definition webcam
- Optical Drive: Multiformat DVD ± RW / CD-RW with Double Layer support
- Wireles: 802.11b/g/n
- Input / Output Port: 2 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 3.0, 1 x HDMI, 1 x VGA, 1 x LAN
- Expansion Slots: Multi-in-1 media reader
- Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
- Battery: 6 cell lithium ion, up to 4 hours to give you more time away from an outlet