Sony has launched a new laptop known as Sony VAIO EB35FX/WI. Sony VAIO Notebook EB35FX/WI is with great features including 15.5-inch WXGA screen with LED-backlit 1366 x 768 pixels. Pre-installed with Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Edition operating officer of Sony VAIO laptop EB35FX/WI 2 (0) x memory 1 (1) x ExpressCard/34 expansion slot. Sony VAIO Laptop EB35FX/WI also offers Microsoft Office 2010 and face tracking.
Sony VAIO EB35FX/WI laptop comes with a limited warranty of one year. The Lithium-Ion 3500 mAh Sony VAIO laptop EB35FX/WI provides long hours of battery life. With 6 pounds of weight of the new Sony VAIO laptop EB35FX/WI available in matte white. Stay tuned for more information about the latest gadgets, Apple, and Internet. There is no information regarding the pricing details of Sony VAIO EB35FX WI Notebook.
Sony VAIO EB35FX/WI Notebook Specification:
15.5 inches of WXGA LED backlit display screen
1366 x 768 pixel of screen resolution
500 GB, Serial ATA-150, 5400 rpm hard disk drive
1066 MHz 4 GB / 8 GB (max) DDR3 SDRAM
3 MB L3 cache
2.4 GHz Intel Core i3 370M Dual Core processor
Intel HD Graphics Dynamic Video Memory Technology 5.0
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit Edition operating system
2 ( 0 ) x memory , 1 ( 1 ) x ExpressCard/34 expansion slot
Microsoft Office 2010
Integrated camera
Face tracking technology
DVD±RW (±R DL) / DVD-RAM / BD-ROM drive
Integrated card reader
Lithium ion 3500 mAh battery
6 lbs of weight