HP launched latest laptop that is HP 1G4-1015DX which comes in an affordable price. It has many more high-end features like a 14 inch high-definition LED of 1366 x 768, built-in Web Camera with Digital Microphone, Multi-format Media Reader (SD & MMC), etc. It is powered by P360 AMD Athlon dual-core processor and equipped with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 graphics card. The last HP laptop has integrated wireless LAN (802.11b/g/n) and 10/100Base-T Ethernet LAN connectivity and pre-installed with Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition operating system.
HP 1015DX G4 laptop also comes with different types of software like Adobe Reader, CyberLink PowerDVD, and Microsoft Office begins the 2010th It comes with 3 high speed USB 2.0 ports, HDMI output, and RJ-45. HP 1015DX G4 laptop is priced at only $ 349.99.
HP G4-1015DX Laptop Specifications
- 14-inch LED high-definition display with resolution of 1366 x 768 pixel
- AMD Athlon II dual-core processor P360
- Equipped with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 graphics
- 3GB DDR3 memory & up to 8GB DDR3 memory support
- 320GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400 rpm)
- Built-in wireless LAN (802.11b/g/n) & 10/100Base-T Ethernet LAN connectivity
- Pre-installed with Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition OS
- VISION Technology by AMD
- Included Microsoft Office Starter 2010
- Offers Multiformat DVD±RW/CD-RW drive
- Up to 1405MB total graphics memory
- Built-in webcam with digital microphone
- Multiformat media reader
- 3 high-speed USB 2.0 ports
- HDMI output & RJ-45 connector
- ENERGY STAR qualified
- Includes Adobe Reader, & CyberLink PowerDVD